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Would you like to win our famous Ultimate Hour Facial?
When you re-book your appointments for April,May, June or July you can choose a prize from our Lucky Dip and you could win a free treatment to add to your regular booking. Don’t miss this opportunity to have a chance at winning our most famous treatment, the Ultimate Hour Facial. This facial is our signature treatment at Ultimate Care and most requested. The Ultimate Hour Facial is so relaxing and you will get amazing resutls too. We want to make your time at Ultimate Care stress free and by booking in advance, you know you are organised, have the time and therapist you prefer and will be a step ahead of the rest.

The Skin School is here!
What is Skin School? This is a specail educational session that we have developed at Ultimate Care especially for the Teens & Tweens who are concerned about skin conditions, such as oily & ongested skin, Acne, blackheads and pimples. We will talk about all things related to teenage skin and how to look after it. The kids will have the oportunity to have a full skin consult with our new Observ diognostic camera, which shows them what is happening beneath their skin. We will also have a hands on workshop to show them how to cleanse, exfoliate and protect their skin and set up good health for their skin for life. We are so excited about this and hope to run it every school holidays. Our first session will be on Wednesday the 12th and Wednesday 19th April at 2pm. We have limited numbers availble so don’t delay in booking.

On-line booking is here!
At Ultimate Care we try to make everything as easy as possible for our clients and with the introduction of On-line bookings we are able to offer the latest in customer care and technology. With the ease of a few clicks – Click therapist – Click date & time – Click treatment – Click payment – DONE! Just come to or to our facebook page and you can make an appointment anytime any where 24/7.

Happy Easter!
We would like to wish each and everyone of you a very happy and safe Easter! It is such a special time to spend with your loved ones and we will be closing for the 4 days over Easter to give our staff a chance to enjoy their families, wheather and of course the chocolate. Don’t forget if you need an appointment before Easter book NOW!